Genevieve Coffelt
Hard to believe that Matt as a first grader did his first oral presentation. Yes.. 3x5 cards allowed. He had to pick a topic, make a poster, bring in props and speak to his class. Personally, not my thing.
So we did a few practice runs.... he seems pretty good with the whole ordeal. I'm very concerned with the opening line and closing lines. He promised he would use "good morning class, today I would like to talk to you about shadow puppets". And he also assured me he would remember to sum up his speech and throw in a conclusion. We ran through this twice. And honestly, we made the poster the morning of. He was insisting he didn't really need one... then changed his mind at 7am.

Here is the video of his demonstration portion. Just in case you forgot how to make shadow puppets.  I love it. I love that he went for something creative. His original speech was going to be how to make coffee.  It was awesome watching him and his class mates. 

(hope this works)

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