Genevieve Coffelt
I know many of you out there don't believe me that Arizona has snow. But it does. Drive 2-3 hours from our home and you hit this.

 We decided to take a trip to the snow to sled. Well, of course I stayed off the sled. I struggled enough trying to put on thermals and jeans. I found out too late that my snow pants no longer fit. Nor my snow coat fit over my bump. What was I thinking? So my job was to keep warm and take pictures.
 It was beautiful there.  There is Matt and future wife Ava. Kids in snow suits are so cute.
 Of course James was in on the action.
 Snow ball fights galore. Matt was laughing so hard.
 Here is James re-living his childhood memories of building an igloo. He told this story about how hard he worked on the perfect igloo one year. And when he finally got inside.... well... you can guess... collapse. Now he is older and wiser. So he was prepared to show the kids how to really make a proper igloo. It was really more like James and Ava working. The boys... well... they were really more interested in bombing James with snowballs.
OK so Ava took her breaks also.

All in all a great day. Always so much fun to watch the kids happy and excited about everything.
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