A fine parenting moment. Matthew and I were at a birthday party with a waterslide set up in the backyard. Fun times ahead. The day was beautiful, but still a little cold. And the water in the slide... Freezing!
The kids are going crazy, having a blast. When I hear Matt kinda crying, whining about being pushed down the slide.
Matt are you O.K.?
"yeah.. it was cold and I was pushed down"
Well, everyone is excited, I'm sure they didn't mean too.
"no, she did"
Ok.. well just wait your turn and pay attention and don't fool around on the top. Remember you didn't like being pushed, so don't push others down the slide. ( I could see this was the trend on the top)
"But she pushed me and I didn't want to be"
Ok.. well now you know how it feels, so do unto others as you would have done to you.
"ok momma"
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